Friday, March 12, 2010

Houdini - CHOPS

Experimentation with Houdini :D. Messing around with Houdini and coming up with ideas for my major possibly.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Houdini - Volume Experiments (cont.)

Experimentations continue. This was roughly how the clouds looked in the final version.

Houdini - Volume Experiments (cont.)

A bit more experimentation with it.

Houdini - Volume Experiments :D

Some interesting experiments with volumes using a couple of different approaches like some containers, iso offsets, i3d textures etc. It was mainly to try and develop some form of clouds for my group project at uni, and this is sort of the different stages of progress for how it turned out. It was fun and interesting to try and grasp ideas around this sort of stuff. Not ideal results due to lack of time....

Motion Studies - Final

This is the final video submitted for the assignment.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Motion Studies - Research Phase

Various Studies of a cat in motion to try and replicate a similar motion in 3d based on footage.
This was one of the assignments I had in the 2nd term on my second year at Bournemouth University